Mark’s Story

Mark Tidwell – Leave A Mark.

Mark has stage 4 colon cancer. It began in March of 2009 as stage 1 and was surgically removed, but quickly it metasticized to the liver that summer. Another surgery was performed in August and recovery began. After one more surgery the following January to repair some torn tissue in the abdomen, scans continued into March, when it was discovered the liver had more tumors. A trip to Mayo Clinic was taken and upon returning, chemotherapy began for 2 months. That was followed by the second liver resection on July 6 of 2010, Mark and Lee’s 25th wedding anniversary. More chemo followed and in late November, just before Thanksgiving, scans showed no more traces of cancer.

As regular scans continued with no more evidence of tumors, hopes rose. But, just as 2012 rolled around, more was found in the original colon area and surgery was slated for February 8. One more visit to the hospital and more recovery. Then, more “bad news” in April when a spots were found on the lung and a chest lymph node. Mark attacked it this time with a regimen of a strict nutrition plan, plenty of supplements to boost the immune system, immunotherapy procedures, and injections. The latest development was in late July with a trip to MD Anderson. The spot in the lung had stabilized, but new spots (one on the liver and one in the pelvic area) were detected. The journey continues as they seek God’s direction as to how best to fight this disease. Along the way, they are committed to helping others through their own struggles and to be as intentional as possible in sharing the Good News of God’s love and care.